Affordability: Cracking the Affordability Crisis in Oakville
Family budgets are under attack. Inflation, increasing housing costs and mortgage interest rates are challenging even the more affluent family budgets. As a mother and business owner, I understand the intense pressure families are facing. For many it's the difference between affording and not affording recreational programs or braces for your children. For some it is far worse.
Oakville Residents are Paying $6,666 More in Property Tax since 2006.
Oakville should allow to realize their dreams to live, work, play and retire in an affordable community. That's why I'm deeply concerned about the Oakville's housing affordability issue and continuously increasing property tax burden on Oakville residents face. After mortgage payments, for most households, property taxes are the second largest expense they face. In Oakville the average home is paying $6,666 more in property taxes since 2006.
78% cumulative property tax increase since 2006
Over the last 16 years, Oakville has increased property taxes at a rate significantly above inflation every year with the exception of two years.
This amounts to a cumulative increase of 78% between 2007-2021, which is almost three times cumulative inflation.
Halton Region and School Boards Can Keep Taxes Below Inflation: Oakville Should Too.
Over the past 16 years, Halton Region and the School Board have been successful in keeping their portion of property taxes at or below the rate of inflation.
As Mayor I will resist property tax increases and in the circumstance where they are required I am committed to hold increases at or below the rate of inflation.
Conduct an Affordability Study of All Town Fees and Levies
It is widely acknowledged that user fees to fund appropriate services can be better than using general tax dollars from the community; however, over-time, user fees and levies can become an excessive burden for citizens and in some circumstances, the cost to collect the fees can even exceed the revenues collected.
As Mayor, I will ask the Town to conduct an affordability study of all town fees and levies and work with Council to determine which can be reduced or eliminated.
Restoring Responsible Fiscal Management to Oakville
Residents expect their Town government to function in a financially responsible way.
Town of Oakville spending has more than doubled since 2006, vastly exceeding the rate of inflation or population growth. And a wasteful, "never-ending" cycle of studying, equivocating and delays on major projects is draining the Town budget with no benefit to residents
Cultural Hub: Four separate studies were commissioned, and numerous consultants hired, to plan for the establishment of a Cultural Hub - a project which has since been shelved[2].
Oakville Harbours: Multiple studies were done with no action or even commitment to act on the findings.
The Town purchased a former Canada Post building Downtown Oakville for $11 million to be used for parking, but the space remains not operational in any capacity[4]
As Mayor, I am committed to delivering responsible fiscal management: curbing excessive spending, eliminating wasteful studies and consultants and restoring responsible taxes to Oakville.
As Mayor, I will ask for a full financial audit of the Town's finances. This information will lay the groundwork for the new Council to fully understand our current situation, identify where opportunities exist for change, and also to provide transparency to the residents of Oakville.
Improve Services While Saving Money
Lean is a methodology to both identify and then implement the most efficient, value-added way to provide government services. A proven approach, in its first few years of implementation, Mississauga saved $49 million dollars while maintaining and increasing services through their Lean initiatives. It is vital that governments at all levels find efficient ways to provide services as efficiently as possible.
As Mayor, I will support the adoption of Lean or other appropriate efficiency initiatives by the Town.
Why is Oakville Running Money Losing Marinas?
Why is the Town of Oakville in the marina operation business? Hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars are being spent on two money-losing marinas. It might be understandable if there were no other alternatives, but Oakville has numerous clubs and private sector Marinas that operate at no cost to taxpayers. In fact, they pay the Town every year.
As Mayor, I will support co-op, club or private sector operation of new or existing marinas. Municipal management is the last option.
Addressing Housing Affordability Without Skyscrapers
I will approach provincially mandated intensification requirements with a focus on responsible growth. With the average detached home price in Oakville approaching $1.6 million, it makes becoming a first-time homeowner in Oakville out of reach for most[1].
While the solution to this is going to be complex, and not within the sole control of municipal government, I am committed to being a leader that brings experts, innovators and the community together to find solutions that improve affordability, attains reasonable growth and most importantly, maintains the integrity of our community. (see more on addressing affordable housing here)