Julia’s Action Plan for Oakville 2022
This election, I am asking the people of Oakville to reject the notion that “this is as good as it gets” for Oakville. I am asking Oakville residents to join me in celebrating and preserving the best parts of our town, while pushing to be better, and to do better for the people who live here. It is a great time to get excited for the better Oakville that could be when we come together to make change happen.
Affordability: Cracking the Affordability Crisis in Oakville
In Oakville the average home is paying $6,666 more in property taxes since 2006. Cumulatively property taxes increased 78%, almost triple Canadian inflation.
End 14-years of property tax increases above rate of inflation
My commitment to Hold Property Tax Increases Below Inflation
Affordability review of all Town fees and levies to citizens
Stop irresponsible spending that drains millions of taxpayer dollars
Maintain & improve services while saving money with Lean Oakville program
Enabling the development of affordable housing options that complement our existing community.
Congestion: Make Getting Around Oakville Easier and Faster
Congestion is making it harder to get around town. Better planning to avoid congestion is one solution. SmartTraffic technology, traffic light synchronization and keeping cars off the road will help too.
SmartTraffic technologies & synchronized lights to keep traffic flowing
Fewer cars on the road at peak times. (staggered office hours and hybrid work at Town hall)
More people working close to home (attracting employers to Oakville)
Advocate for hybrid & at home work arrangements in Oakville and Ontario.
Affordable Housing & Mandated Growth Approach
The Mayor’s irresponsible no-growth agenda has created a housing affordability crisis and skyscraper problem in Oakville. The Mayor needs to be a proactive leader to ensure responsible growth that preserves our town and prevents skyscrapers.
A Greener Oakville of the Future
I am committed to increasing green space, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and protecting our environment. I expect our town to be a leader and innovator in environmental initiatives and programs.
Increase Citizen Participation, Inclusion & Diversity
The best leaders are great listeners who champion the ideas of the community and promote unity. Too much decision making has been centralized in Oakville. I will set a positive welcoming tone for the Town and seek wider input and engagement with citizens.
Fostering Business Opportunity
We have one of the most talented professional services workforces in Canada. We should be making it a priority to attract professional high tech jobs to Oakville so more people work closer to home.
Vibrant Downtowns & Neighbourhoods
Our Downtown, Kerr and Bronte Villages should be social and economic hubs, but they are facing stiff competition from malls, on-line shopping and neighbouring municipalities.
Children & Youth
I am committed to a flourishing community that helps young families and enables our adult children to stay in Oakville.
Acknowledge and Address Oakville’s Social Problems
Oakville is a prosperous community, but not for all. We are better as a community when we acknowledge and address the needs of people who struggle in our community.
Digital Transformation at Town Hall
Digital technology can transform all facets of our lives, dramatically improving access, transparency and service delivery in many areas of our day-to-day lives. The Town of Oakville is a ditial laggard.