Fostering Business Opportunity
Champion to Bring New Businesses to Oakville
The best work life balance typically occurs when people live close to their work. Oakville has one of the most talented professional services workforces in Canada. Oakville should be making it a top priority to attract professional, high-tech business that provide jobs closer to home.
As Mayor, I will work with the Town and Council to streamline the new business approval and permit process and champion economic development that attracts professional, high tech businesses to Oakville, creating jobs for residents closer to home.
Help Existing Businesses Create More Jobs
As the Chair of the Oakville Chamber of Commerce, I had a chance to meet and learn about a wide array of businesses. One of the issues I heard over and over was that businesses wanted to expand and create more jobs in Oakville, but their plans were curtailed or abandoned because of the onerous regulations and punishing fees levied by the Town.
As Mayor, I will direct staff to demonstrate and continue their efforts to streamline the approvals process and will request a full review of all Town fees levied on new and expanding businesses.
Enable Local Businesses to Compete for Town Contracts
Thriving local businesses benefit the entire community by creating jobs, paying municipal taxes, and providing local products expertise and experiences.
As Mayor, I will work with Council and Town Finance staff to review purchasing policies to better enable local businesses to compete for town contracts.
Vibrant Downtowns that Attract People and Jobs
Our downtowns contribute to Oakville’s health and vibrance by serving as vital crossroads where residents, workers and visitors convene. But Downtown Oakville, Bronte and Kerr Villages are commercial districts facing stiff competition from malls, on-line shopping, and neighbouring municipalities. Fundamental to their sustainability as social and economic hubs is ensuring that people have a reason to visit these areas. The Town can help in revitalization efforts and by giving the Business Improvement Areas Boards greater say in this work.
This includes empowering them to steer investments in activities and showcase events that draw people back to our downtowns. It also involves ensuring that the Town, Visit Oakville, the BIAs and the Regional Tourism Organization work cooperatively to showcase these locations to residents and visitors.
I will work to make the town’s commercial districts of Bronte Village, Kerr Village and Downtown Oakville vibrant destinations. I will support the promotion of these locations as must-visit locales for local residents, those living in nearby cities and visitors from afar. These areas need to be economic, social, cultural hubs that are actively promoted within the community and beyond.
Read more about my action plan for Downtown, Bronte & Kerr Street villages here.