Children & Youth
Plugging Oakville’s Youth Brain Drain
The presence of young people and young families is a sign of a healthy, growing community. As a larger percentage of our population reaches retirement, attracting young people has become an increasingly urgent priority for municipalities across Canada. Unfortunately, Oakville is experiencing a Youth Brain Drain. Parents have little hope their adult children can work and live in the community in which they were raised.
As Mayor, I am committed to a vibrant and flourishing community that will enable more of our adult children to stay in Oakville. I will:
Attract good jobs to Oakville by championing economic development that attracts professional and high tech businesses to Oakville so youth have job opportunities that keep them here.
Proactively address the housing affordability issue in Oakville. Read more here.
Encourage the Creation of More Affordable Childcare Spaces
Access to safe, affordable, quality childcare is essential to many parents being able to remain in, or re-enter, the workforce. While the Federal Government is in the process of addressing the affordability of care, at a municipal level, we can work towards improving accessibility. In areas of our town where there are too few spaces to service the need of the community we will look at partnering with not-for-profit daycares to provide the physical space to expand their programs.
Supporting Families & Youth Struggling with Poverty
Our most vulnerable sector of society are impoverished youth. Not only are they impressionable but they are often unable to help themselves out of their current situation. Our Town should do the most it can to help guide them in a productive direction until their situation improves.
As Mayor, I will look to initiate the provision of free community centre passes to vulnerable families. Furthermore, I will work with the Town to create positions that can be filled by teens who are suffering from poverty.