Increased Citizen Participation, Inclusion & Diversity


 I believe the best leaders are those who listen and champion the hopes and vision of those they lead. I am committed to amplifying the voice of individuals within the community by increasing their accessibility to Town Council.

Being connected and welcomed into our neighbourhoods and the larger community also engenders a feeling of belonging and a sense of pride and identity. It is the difference between Oakville being a thriving home and community versus simply a bedroom town.

Our Oakville is changing. It is not the same Oakville that it was in 2006. We now have a widely diverse community that we should be celebrating. I’ve been hearing at the doors and at community meetings that some people are feeling excluded from the Town of Oakville. That will end with me.


The Mayor Sets the Tone of Welcome and Inclusion for Oakville

I believe it’s the Mayor’s job to set the “tone at the top” and create a culture of welcome and inclusiveness as a priority in every aspect of Town operations, from Town cultural and recreational facilities, to the planning department and Oakville Hydro, and to the working environment for Town employees.

Oakville should be an inclusive collaborative community where people can speak freely without fear of retribution/reprisal. Domineering and disrespectful behavior is unacceptable from anyone in political office or public service.


Invite Residents Back to the Table and Decentralize Town Control

Leadership isn’t JUST about the Mayor or Council, it’s about inviting everyone to the table to learn from each other and share expertise. It is about seeking input, acknowledging other perspectives and decentralizing control. Over the past 16-years, the Town of Oakville has a record of centralizing control and weakening committees. My approach is different. I recognize the value of our residents’ input and will invite residents back to the Town’s tables through citizen advisory committees and meaningful boards.


Introducing Online Voting in Oakville

It needs to be easier in our Oakville to be able to be involved in democracy. Last municipal election, only 37% of eligible voters cast their ballots. With the COVID-19 pandemic still affecting our community, I fear that turnout may be lower still as people look to protect themselves and potentially avoid casting their ballot in person. People who are either unable to make it to a polling station or are nervous doing so should still have a safe and efficient alternative.

As Mayor, I will bring online voting to our town and have it in place for the next election. There is no reason why other cities in Halton Region like Burlington can remove barriers of entry into democracy while Oakville keeps them up. 


Establishing New Channels to Receive Resident Input

Unlike other communities, Oakville residents have limited input into the day-to-day operations of their neighbourhood recreation and cultural facilities. Many are unsure of where to go when problems arise, they have ideas to share, or simply need a question about their town services answered. Town Council has become largely inaccessible to most residents.

As Mayor I will encourage councillors to facilitate Neighbourhood Associations and create them where they do not already exist, to engage residents and give citizens greater say in their community.


Citizen Advisory Boards for Community Centres

Neighbourhood facilities should reflect the interests of the neighborhoods they serve. Oakville communities have rapidly changing demographics, and the programming at our facilities doesn’t always reflect these changing needs and interests.

As Mayor, I will ask Council to find an appropriate governance structure for advisory boards at our community and cultural centres to ensure greater relevance in programming and use by all community members.


Increasing Citizen Leadership of Local Festivals

Many community groups used to be engaged in community festivals and events, but there has been a trend for many of those festivals to be taken over by the Town. I believe citizen involvement is critical to building a sense of belonging and to the vibrancy of our town.

As Mayor, I will encourage local community groups to be more involved in the leadership and organization of festivals.


 Age-Friendly Seniors Council

Unlike Burlington, Oakville does not have its own Age-Friendly Council. With a growing population of seniors with changing physical needs, the input of seniors will be vital to build a better community.

As Mayor, I will seek the advice of an Age-Friendly council to make sure Oakville is supportive and welcoming to our seniors.


 Tapping into Oakville’s Tech Experts

Technology innovation is transforming our lives. Governments are typically slow to embrace the many benefits that can save our Town money, improve the way we work and enhance our quality of life. Oakville is fortunate to be home to many of Canada’s smartest technology experts and companies – our Town government can benefit in many ways from their advice and thinking.

As Mayor, I will harness our local talent and entrepreneurs to form a Technology Advisory Committee to help Oakville jump into the forefront of the adoption of smart technology that will benefit our community.


More Community Leadership in Oakville’s Arts

Community involvement builds engagement and a sense of belonging that benefits the entire town. Most performing arts centres have their own boards and corporate operating structures, but Oakville’s is run by the Town. Oakville boasts one of the most talented, educated and motivated populations in Canada, a population whose engagement can offer new energy and ideas to our Performing Arts Centre.

As Mayor, I will work with Council and the Town staff to restructure Oakville’s Performing Arts Centre to have a Board of Directors and an independent corporate operating structure. 


Making It Easier to Access Town Facilities for Community Meetings and Celebrations

The Town’s facilities belong to all of us. Too often I’ve heard how hard it is for community groups, faith groups, arts and cultural groups and families to access Town parks and recreational facilities for community meetings and celebrations.

As Mayor, I will work with Town staff and Council to improve access to Town facilities through improved digital technology, so community groups can easily find and book space for their activities.

I will encourage other organizations that have available space to join and add their facilities to our technology, making it a one-stop-shop.

I will invite Parks and Recreation and Facilities Management to Council, to review all of the Town’s policies, fees and the processes required to access Town facilities, with the goal of making it easier for local groups to access and enjoy Town facilities, parks and green spaces.

As Oakville’ Mayor, I will support the excellent inclusivity initiatives of the Oakville libraries and their expanding partnerships with diverse groups. I will strongly support an expansion of the libraries’ selection of books, music and digital services in the many languages that reflect Oakville’s changing demographics.